Thursday, May 19, 2016



OK, so the photo quality is horrendous but I was able to get a picture of the Pom Pom Crab with her... bushel? *ahem* of eggs on her abdomen before the flash scared her off. They are probably not fertilized but it's a cool sight to see! If they are fertilized, the odds of them surviving are next to none in the aquarium but it would be neat to see a bunch of baby crabby's running around... but it that was the case I wouldn't know what to do with them as it would most likely overload the system very fast... I'll have to keep on eye on it...

Pom Pom Crab with her eggs!
In further news, it seems the Peppermint shrimp has made nice work of the Aiptasia; I don't see any significant growths anywhere anymore and the bigger ones are all gone. Good work, lil guy!

The Duncan buds continue to grow and they opened up quite a bit during feeding today and the Leptasea has begun to show some of it's green color again. I'm taking all of this as a good sign that the eco system is healthy and thriving. I'm excited to see what the future holds.

Until next time,

~ Keep on Swimming! ~