Friday, November 25, 2016

Tank isn't doing too hot...

The tank isn't doing too well. The algae bloom is still going strong and the Corals have been closed all week. Performing the water change today I checked the salinity of the tank water as always and discovered it was sitting at 1.030. Not good. I also haven't seen the Pom Pom crab for awhile and trying to coax her out with food didn't bring her out. She may have expired during the salinity spike :(

Also, the circulation pump kind of just stop circulating water. I was thinking this could have been an issue for a little while now but just though I was just overthinking things. I bought a new one when I replaced the Purigen filter and noticed that the old one was indeed not circulating water properly. This also probably attributed to the algae bloom as well as the last SPS to die. Dammit.

I'll be performing some water tests today to see how things are looking before the weekend hits.

Hoping things begin to turn around soon.

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