I put some more rock into the tank to help with natural filtration and moved the hammer coral a little and placed him on his own rock. The coral are not happy at the moment but should open up again in a couple hours (I hope!). We'll see if the hammer likes his new placement.
I built the bring using multiple rock fragments and it turned out pretty well. I'm pretty sure there won't be any coral that would like to be on top of the bridge due to the intense light but that's ok as it'll give fish area to swim.
The rock in the far back left is attached to a suction cap and stuck to the glass. It is definitely my favorite addition so I hope I can find a coral that would work well there!
I'll take some pictures and upload them later; the sand got kicked up a bit when adding the new rock so the tank is kind of dusty. Also the algae bloom is still in place but seems to be subsiding.
I was able to get LiveStreaming working from my webcam so I can view my tank when I am away. It's pretty neat! The quality is only 720p and 30fps but it's good enough for now. I'll have to come up with a way of notification so people can know when a Stream is Live.
Check out the Live Stream!

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