Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Coral growth photos

Short post today but I managed to get some photos of the neat stuff going on in the tank.
Plate Coral has expanded a lot.

Plate Coral expanded. They do this to "move"

Plate Coral expanded (underside). You can see how much it has expanded from the center "core" of the coral.

The Green Hammer Coral is still growing profusely!

Purple Hammer Coral head splitting

I'm really happy to see noticeable growth of the tank :) On a sadder note: I believe the Pom Pom Crab has perished as I haven't seen him in a couple weeks now :( I really hope that isn't the case but he usually becomes active during feedings and I haven't seen any indication of activity from him. Sad day, indeed.

~ Keep on Swimming! ~

Monday, March 28, 2016

Noticeable growth

So it turns out there are a few more feather dusters on the Zoa's. I moved the Zao's and happened to see a couple more attached. So, neat.

The Green Hammer and the Plate coral are continuing to grow pretty quickly. I'll have to post some pictures soon once I clean the glass a little bit.

Also, something that is pretty neat: It seems that the Purple Hammer is beginning to split into two heads! The head has been closed for probably a month now and I noticed some strangeness with it a couple weeks ago. Last week, I noticed a second mouth had developed and this morning there is definite signs of splitting. Very cool!

As always,

~ Keep on Swimming! ~ 

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Stowaways located

Inspecting the tank today I noticed 2 new critters that and I believe I have some sort of baby Feather Duster and probably some Aiptasia. I've posted some images on a forum for some better input as to what they are exactly. (edit: as I suspected, it is a feather duster (woo!) and Aiptasia (crap!)). Looks like I'll be going to war for the first time against Aiptasia.

On a happier note, I also got a nice shot of the Green Hammer Corals growth! It's so nice to see if finally being fully open (and huge!) after being shut up for so long!
Green Hammer Coral has grown!
I may pick up a peppermint shrimp this week that will hopefully take care of the Aiptasia issue. Apparently, they are pretty hit-or-miss when it comes to munching on them and can also munch on coral if they get a taste for it. Sheesh.

Until next time,

~ Keep on Swimming! ~

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Tank stabilized and un-uploaded photos

I checked the water parameters of the tank and they have stabilized and have gotten back to optimal levels. The coral are looking much better. The Birdsnests may have passed as they have algae growing on them now but they also have some of their flesh. So maybe they are somewhat living. I'll be keeping them in the tank until they are fully white and covered in algae or they recover. It's great to see the Green Hammer Coral to finally be fully opened again. I may end up moving the Purple Hammer because it doesn't seem to be getting much water flow and doesn't really open up.

The Duncan, the Blastos and the Candy Cane Coral have also noticably grown, which is a great sign. I've been dosing Reef Foundation and Coral Colors by Red Sea as needed and I think it has helped.

Below are some photos I took awhile back but apparently never uploaded. Kinda bitter-sweet as they have Gilbert and Gumdrop.

Feather duster emerging

New Tank Setup

Gilbert digging caves

Plate Coral is all Puffy

That's if for now.

~ Keep on Swimming! ~

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Gumdrop has passed

I was sick pretty much all last week so I was out of the office. With the high Nitrates, I was planning on doing 2 water changes during the week but that fell through when I got ill. Unfortunately, Gumdrop passed while I was sick. A buddy of mine was able to remove him from the tank.

The tank is looking better again this week. I did notice that the filter was unplugged and I'm not sure if it was unplugged over the weekend or just since Monday. Either way, it isn't good; pretty sure all the beneficial bacteria that was growing in the filter is dead now which may cause yet another cycle of the tank -.- This is not good for the inhabitants to constantly have their environment out of whack. 

I'll be performing a larger water change today and check my water params. If the params are not looking better, I'll probably do another water change on Monday.

~ Keep on Swimming ~