Came in this morning and the Spiny Star Astraea Snail was out of the water. He was there on Friday so I'm thinking he must have been there all weekend. No smell so he's not dead but he could be on the verge... Although he did do this "not moving" thing for a few days in the past. What worried me was I barely touched him and he came right off the glass and fell into the aquarium. Pulled him out and his foot was hanging out. Touched it and didn't really recoil. I've placed him back into the tank under close observation. 10 minutes later and I see his eyes and antennae moving about but that's it. Doesn't really seem to be latching onto a rock. I checked my nitrates because I removed my Algone filter pack as it is meant for preventative maintenance and I wanted to know if my tank would be ok without it for a bit. My Specific Gravity (note: I've been calling it Salinity this whole time and, while related, are not the same thing) was a little low today so I'll have to add a little more salt.
I also came in to the right side of the tank covered in Pileolaria. Thankfully, these guys are beneficial and are a sign of a healthy tank.
I found the Pom Pom Crab, finally. I hadn't seen him for a week and he's right in the front of the tank in a cave. Phew, was getting worried that he may have passed.
~Keep on Swimming~

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