So I popped in over the weekend after halloween to put some Purple Tech into the tank since it's supposed to be supplemented at night and discovered my light timer had my lights compeltely off. I assumed that not having a time set would use the last used settings until a new time and setting got set. Nope, you have to explicitly set all time and settings for a 24hr period to have lights be on. So, for a period of a couple months, my tank had no lights from 8pm to 4am each day. Whoops! I quickly rectified the situation and now my tank has low blues on from that time period. I'm thinking of dropping the percentage a little more as 5% is still kind of bright... I may have to set up the webcam overnight to see if the corals respond appropriately to the low light.
I also upped the white's during the day by 5% to provide a little more day light to the tank. We'll see how it goes.
Came in this morning and there are long, slimy looking strands waving about in the current. I'm not sure if this is from the snails or if it is hair algae as it is quite long (upwards of 3" in some areas). It isn't too bad; it's more of an aesthetic annoyance at this point but I'll have to keep a close eye on it. If the algae continues to be an issue, I may pick up a Hermit Crab to help combat the population.

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