So this long weekend seemed to not go so well with the reef. I came in this morning and a bunch of water had evaporated; the floating rock in the back fell off the tank and onto the Favia coral, the Green Birdsnest coral may be on the brink of death, the Duncan and Green hammer are closed up and the Stylophora doesn't look too happy. But the weird part is, the other coral and exploding. The Tree, Blastomusta's, Candy Cane, Plate and Asterospicularia Corals are all expanded and happy. The Specific Gravity in my tank is about 1.026 right now just after replacing the missing water with fresh water.
I may have to figure something out to account for evaporation for long weekends like this. I had overfilled the tank on Friday to try and compensate but it didn't really seem to make a difference...
Trying to stay optimistic about the issues but we'll see what happens. I'll get some pictures later; I'm gonna try and place the coral into homes later today.
~ Keep on Swimming! ~

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