Tuesday, January 12, 2016

ReefCorner - First Impressions

Coral packaging from Reef Corner
I just received my shipment from ReefCorner and the Feather Duster from LiveAquaria and I have to say that I am really impressed by ReefCorner's packaging. The coral all came attached to a foam block so they don't have their bodies touching the bottom of the bag (which stresses them out even more). The bags are sealed instead of using zip ties, rubber bands, etc. I also received a bottle of Coral glue so I can glue the new coral to a rock base which is a very simple yet nice touch. They even sent me a pen. Sure, it doesn't retract after the first use, but the gesture is nice :)
It's crazy how much such simple changes can make a such a difference. I currently have the coral in a bucket of water warming up to temperature before transferring them to the tank. So far, I'm extremely happy with my purchases from ReefCorner

While doing all this I happened to snap a picture of the Hermit Crab hitching a ride on one of the snails. He must have been on him for awhile because there is no way the hermit could get on the snail at that height with no climbing surface. I just hope he isn't trying to kill him to steal his shell...

Hermit hitching a ride

Hopefully I'll be setting the coral in the next couple hours and they are happy with their new home ^.^

~ Keep on Swimming! ~

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