Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Livestock received and getting acclimated

I've received my full shipment from LiveAquaria and ReefCorner and placed them into the tank. They are in the process of getting acclimated and I'll be moving them to their spots throughout the week so as to minimize the shock to the corals that require intense lighting but cannot be immediately placed in such bright light. The ones that I placed in are looking much happier than the ones I placed in a few hours ago, as to be expected. I'm surprised at how small some of them are (namely, the Tree coral and the Asterospicularia Coral). They look SO much bigger in the images on their site. I'm worried that the Tree Coral will end up getting detached from its base and eaten by the filter or the powerhead.

Acclimating new livestock

Acclimating new livestock (front view)
I'm unsure how the Feather Duster is doing; it hasn't moved from it's casing. It has either moved somewhere else and I haven't found it, it's moved somewhere else and has dropped it's crown, is still in it's case and is just not happy coming out yet, is in it's case and dropped its crown or it's dead. I'm going to wait a week or so to see if I can see any changes. If it seems dead, I'll have to contact LA for a replacement.

I've always wondered what that swirly looking thing at the bottom of the Leptastrea was as I did not remember seeing it when I first got it. But since it never moved from there, I figured it was just something I had overlooked. Today, I happened to bump the glass when looking at it and saw a piece of it recoil so I knew it had to be a creature. Doing some digging, I believe it to be a Vermetid Snail as it fits the description perfectly. And, in doing more research, I discovered they are not good for corals. This may explain why the Leptastrea has changed it's color and didn't look as happy as it should. I shall be removing it from the reef shortly by super gluing the entrance hole shut.

So far so good and I'm excited for what the future holds!

~ Keep on Swimming! ~

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