I left my light controller unplugged all night so as not to exacerbate any particular issues with the water in the controller. I figured I'd give it a full nights time to dry up and it seems to have done the trick! I plugged in the controller when I came in this morning and all the lights are powering on properly. Sa-weet!
But seriously, so many thanks to the guy that built the unit for his quick replies and service. I left him a review on Amazon and would highly recommend his unit to anyone wanting to start up a Fluval Edge Nano Reef.
Anyways, on to the livestock!
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The Nassarius Snail is much smaller than I was expecting. LiveAquaria stated its' shipping size would be between .5" and .75" and he's barely .25". Not really a big deal but I'm sure he won't be able to clean up the substrate very efficiently until he gets much bigger. I can be patient though. I'll also probably never see him until he gets bigger and I can see his siphon sticking out of the sand bed somewhere.
Super Tongan Nassarius Snail |
The Peppermint Shrimp is pretty neat; he sways around like he's mimicking the current even though he is surround by rock. It kinda looks like he's dancing. I fed him some sinking pellets when I was getting him acclimated to my tank water and he gobbled them down quickly. He's fun to watch eat. He found a nice, deep cave in the rock and dug out some sand around it to make it deeper to make his home.
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| | Peppermint Shrimp |
Unfortunately, I deleted the picture I had of the Pom Pom Crab because it wasn't in very good lighting and I forgot to get a new one before placing him in the tank. He scuttled down and found himself a really deep crevice in the rock yesterday and I haven't seen him at all today. Poor guy, he's missing 2 of his left legs. They weren't in the shipping bag that he came in so he probably lost them in the facility before being shipped. They can grow back once he molts but they'll be a little smaller than his normal legs. I'm thinking of calling him "Lefty". I hope he comes out sometime so I can get a nice picture of him... and so I can feed him...
The Zoanthus colony hasn't really opened up yet so I'll get a picture once he gets a little more happy. I may have to secure the colony rock to another rock as a snail literally just knocked it over as I am typing this blog...
I haven't secured the Sarlacc Leptastrea just yet because I want to be sure he'll be happy where I place him so I don't have any good pictures of him yet either.
The Aussie Plate Coral: Stunned. I am blown away by this little guy. Since the lights came on he really started to open up and is twice the size as he was when he first got put in the tank! Immediate favorite. He looks so cool and I love to just sit and watch his tentacles sway in the current. Love this guy.
Aussie Short Tentacle Plate Coral |
I hope to get these remaining pictures and a tank shot soon once everyone gets all happy again.